Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movie Review: Big Tits Zombie 3D

A group of strippers find a medieval Book of the Dead in the basement of their club. All hell breaks loose when one of them uses the book to raise an army of the undead.

The title is just pure marketing. There is some nudity, but it is on about the level of a Carry On film and is unlikely to upset your grandma. Those who are seeking cheap carnal thrills are advised to look somewhere else. Rather than the lewd promise of its title, what Big Tits Zombie delivers is low-budget, goofy fun with enough quirkiness to get by.

But I guess ‘no budget’ would be more accurate. The zombies look like they came straight from a face painting stall of a school fete and there is never too many of them. The fight scenes are endearingly chaotic and what money were put together seems to have been spent only on a couple of choice effects.

What saved this film are its humour, energy and quirky touches. As expected, Big Tits Zombie doesn’t take itself seriously in the slightest degree. If it did, it would have been a disaster. Instead, it maintains the appropriate nonsensical tone to fuel the ludicrous spectacles while preserving the littlest touch of reality to keep you interested in the characters. The film is peppered with outrageous, inexplicable details. These include zombies playing ping-pong, a new take on body sushi and a bureaucratic hell demon. The female leads are awesome too.

Big Tits Zombie is far from being a masterpiece. It’s not trying to be. But, unlike many of quickly cobbled together low-budget films, the film manages to accomplish its modest aims. It’s entertaining, mindless fun; the kind of film to enjoy with friends and a few beers. And just little over an hour, it does not overstay its welcome.

Source: Everything Zombie 101

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