Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Game Review - God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Kratos could possibly be the angriest video game character ever created. We know for a fact that he accidentally killed his wife and child in service to the gods, but his contentious attitude has often made me wonder what else might have happened to him that made him so filled with rage. We get some comprehension into this in God of War: Ghost of Sparta, which makes a wonderful job adding depth to Kratos' character while delivering one of the most entertaining and beautiful gameplay experiences on the PSP. Ghost of Sparta is, undoubtedly, one of the best games available for the PSP.

The Plot
Ghost of Sparta begins just right after the end of God of War, with Kratos sitting upon his newly claimed throne looking disgruntled. After all, becoming a god did not remove the disturbing memories of his past, but now he's being troubled by a vision we've never seen before -- an old woman lying sick on a slab of stone. Convinced that he can actually change this vision, Kratos goes to Atlantis on a quest that eventually takes him back Sparta and into the realm of Thanatos, god of death.

Ghost of Sparta is as gorgeous as it gets. Graphically, it looks better than a lot of PS2 games, and is definitely the best-looking game on the PSP thus far. Detailed environments featuring unrelenting rain and cascading water and lava create beautiful sceneries and really bring the world to life. Kratos looks great as well. In fact, his character model was redesigned from the ground up to add more detail for this game.

As for the gameplay, there's nothing really unique here, but that is not a bad thing. You'll still spend most of your time slaying countless enemies, traversing treacherous domains, and solving light puzzles. Combat has been perfected throughout the series, so there's little to improve upon. That said, there are two new magical attacks and a brand new weapon that add something new to the experience.

Closing Comments
Unbelievably, the developers at Ready at Dawn managed to exceed what they did with Chains of Olympus, delivering a deeper, longer and more graphically beautiful game than even they thought was originally possible. Just when I thought I knew everything about Kratos, I’ve been given insight into another piece of his past that makes his rage much more understandable. The path less travelled as far as characters and locations makes Ghost of Sparta a very important chapter in Kratos’ story. Slicing troublesome minions in a variety of stunning locations is an exhilarating experience, and because the adventure lasts for more than 10 hours, you can lose yourself in this extraordinary land for quite a while. Ghost of Sparta is a gorgeous and delightful adventure that will keep you glued to the screen until the very end.

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