Sunday, October 31, 2010

Real Life Horror: Cannibals

Throughout history, there are probably many cases of cannibalism. Here are 3 of the most infamous cannibals known to the world. Hopefully information here can be of use to you, and also suggest that you watch out against possible human cannibals around you. Read on to find out about these real life horror stories.

Albert Fish
The Grey Man

Albert Fish was a real life monster in every sense of the word. He was delusional, sadistic and worst of all he experienced pleasure from his repulsive acts. He was an admitted serial killer and cannibal; moreover, he was also a rampant pedophile and a deviant. On May 28, 1928, Fish kidnapped Grace Budd, a 10 year old girl from Manhattan. He then murdered and consumed her remains in a house in Westchester. Five years later, Fish sent the innocent girl’s family a letter which graphically detailed his crime and the pleasure he got from it. The letter was then traced back to him and later lead to his arrest and conviction. Justice was served on January 16, 1936 when Fish was electrocuted in Sing Sing Correctional Facility in upstate New York.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer
The Milwaukee Cannibal

Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer, cannibal and necrophiliac from West Allis, Wisconsin. Dahmer is an extremely disturbed person, he would invite young men to his apartment where he would murder and mutilate them after sedation with alcohol or drugs. After getting rid of his victims he would then experiment or consume their remains. On July 22, 1991, Dahmer lured another would-be victim, Tracy Edwards, into his home. Fortunately, Edwards was lucky enough to escape and wave for help to a patrolling police car. The police were lead back to Dahmer’s apartment and he was arrested.  During his trial, Dahmer pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity but was later found sane. He was charged and convicted on 15 counts of murder and was given 15 life sentences. On November 28, 1994, Dahmer and another inmate, Jesse Anderson, got beaten by a fellow inmate at the Colombia Correctional Institution in Milwaukee. Dahmer died due to severe head trauma while on his way to the hospital in an ambulance.

Andrei Chikatilo
The Butcher of Rostov

Andrei Chikatilo was a serial killer and rapist from Ukrainia. While in police custody, Chikatilo confessed murdering and mutilating over 50 people. He befriended, killed, and consumed his victims. He admitted that his motives were solely for sexual pleasure. The story of Chikatilo’s life and crimes are the stuff that nightmares are made of. This madman only stopped his killing spree when he was finally apprehended and identified after one of the biggest operations in Russian police history. On February 14, 1994, Chikatilo was executed in Novocherkassk prison and executed by a single gunshot behind the right ear.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Origin of Jack O'Lantern

The Irish are responsible for bringing the tradition of the Jack O'Lantern to America. It is the symbol that best represents Halloween. But the original Jack O'Lantern was not a pumpkin but was something else. If you want to know what it is, just keep on reading to find out.

The Legend
The legend of Jack O'Lantern goes back hundreds of years in Irish History. As the story goes, Stingy Jack was a disgraceful, old drunk who loved to play tricks on everyone: family, friends  and even the Devil. One day, he tricked the Devil into climbing up a tree. Once the Devil climbed up the tree, Stingy Jack immediately placed crosses around the trunk of the tree. The Devil was then unable to descend the tree. Stingy Jack made the Devil promise him that he will not take his soul when he died. After the devil promised not to take his soul, Stingy Jack then removed the crosses and let the Devil down.

Wandering in Darkness
Many years have passed and Jack finally died. He went to the gates of heaven and met Saint Peter who told him that he was too mean and cruel, and had led a disgraceful and worthless life on earth. He wasn’t allowed to enter heaven so he then went down to hell. But the Devil kept his promise (really?) and would not allow him to enter hell as well. Now Jack was afraid and had nowhere else to go but to wander about eternity in the darkness between heaven and hell. It was too dark so he asked the Devil how he could leave. From the flames of hell, the Devil threw him an ember to light his way. Jack saw a hollowed turnip and placed the ember inside. From that day onward, Stingy Jack roamed the earth without a final resting place, lighting his way with his "Jack O'Lantern".

On all Hallow's eve (or Halloween as we know it), the Irish hollowed out turnips, gourds, potatoes, rutabagas and beets. They then placed a light inside to ward off evil spirits and keep Stingy Jack away. These were the original Jack O'Lanterns. In the 1800's, waves of Irish immigrants came to America. These immigrants quickly discovered that Pumpkins were bigger and were much easier to carve out. From then on, they used pumpkins for Jack O'Lanterns.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Movie Review: Paranormal Activity 2

As a horror movie fan, I couldn’t help resist what Paranormal Activity had to offer.  But I was rather disappointed and I was really bored and dozing off half way of the film. I swore to myself that if ever there’s a sequel, I’m sure to be the last person to see that movie. But after watching the trailer of Paranormal Activity 2, I suddenly had a change of heart and felt like giving it a chance.

This is actually a prequel
First would be the plot. This is actually a prequel to the first film as it takes place two months before the events of the first movie. Katie’s sister, Kristi, and her family are the ones involved. The story begins with their family setting up security cameras around their house after experiencing what they thought was a series of break-ins, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more dangerous than they seem. Weird things start to happen even during day and a lot more during the night. Through the surveillance videos, they find out that they’re being haunted by an evil presence that has come for their baby. It wasn’t explained if the evil in this film has something to do with that in the first movie. However, it is implied that Kristi and Katie’s mother is to blame for drawing the attention of the demons that haunt them.

As for the acting, it's actually a bit of a step above the first movie. Not that the acting in the first one was really bad or anything, it’s just that the acting in this movie is way much better because it really does feel like the characters are actually conversing. In the first movie, there were times that the actors were like reading off a script, but here they sound pretty natural throughout the entire film.

Events happen largely as they did in Paranormal Activity, with the same development from small scares to the jump-out-of-your-seat big ones. The effects were really good especially the scene where Kristi got dragged down the stairs. That was really the most terrifying scene as it was very intense.

Paranormal Activity was a big hit only because it offered audiences something that is different from the customary horror film. Paranormal Activity 2, however, is just the same as any other unexceptional sequel but is still worth the watch on a Friday night.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Game Review: Saw II: Flesh & Blood

Saw II: Flesh & Blood is a third person survival horror video game that is sequel to 2009's Saw: The Video Game, both of which are based on the popular Saw films. Saw II picks up just after Saw and is set between the second and third movie. If you’re a big fan of the Saw series, chances are you’ll enjoy this sequel.  Make sure you grab a copy just after you read my review!

Flesh & Blood is set between the second and third movie in the series. The new lead character, Michael, is the son of Detective David Tapp, who begins to investigate the cause of his father's death which eventually makes him a target of the Jigsaw Killer and his apprentice Pighead. The game will supposedly take the player to a number of locations including factories, hotels, sewers, and other places to capture Jigsaw and find clues behind the detective’s death.

Saw II retains the same style of gameplay as the first game, being basically a third-person survival horror game with very intense action elements. Puzzles from the original game return, such as the "circuit puzzles"; but instead of matching them with the same colour, the player needs to match wires of opposite colour (yellow to red and vice-versa). Lockpicking also returns, but uses a new mini game that gets the player to manipulate the tumblers to unlock. Also, environmental puzzles are presented in a new way, like having to turn the flashlight on-and-off in certain areas to reveal certain clues. Quick-time traps are back; in addition to shotguns being hidden behind doors new lethal traps have been introduced such as closing walls, swinging scythes, and loose floorboards. They are placed throughout certain areas for the player to avoid by pressing a button in a timely fashion.

For this sequel, the entire combat system was revamped from the original game. There are two types of combat: puzzle-based and melee. Puzzle-based combat encourages the player to make use of traps or the environment to kill enemies, like opening an elevator shaft as the enemy charges into it to eliminate them. Melee combat, on the other hand, consists of the player using their hands and feet or weapons to neutralize an enemy. Quick maneuvers and defensive repercussion to defend the player from aggressive enemies is the basis of the combat. Timing is also very essential in fighting and neutralizing enemies.

The "Case Files" from the first game also return. The files’ subjects are varied but a few focus on Detective Tapp’s testimonies on his raid of Jigsaw’s hideout and his entrapment in Whitehurst Asylum. Also, Billy the Puppet dolls are a new collectible which can be found scattered in different locations in the game.  There are several areas in the game where you have to solve more difficult puzzles to obtain the dolls. Multiple endings are back, only this time around players should complete the game again completely to unlock a different ending due to the decisions made throughout the game that affect the final outcome of the game.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My 3 Scary Video Games To Play This Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner and there are plenty of items to enjoy. As Asian horror movie fans we’re not limited alone to watching and collecting the scariest movies. Most of us probably spend a lot of time playing video games with our friends and families. I for one sit down on the couch and play with the latest Playstation or Xbox game out on the market every now and then. As a player, I grew very fond of just how amazing these games entertain me.

If you just got a brand new game console (or still have your old ones) and thinking about playing some scary stuff, below is a list of games that I think stands above the rest of scary video games. Go to the nearest video games shop and give these a try. But best of all before you put that disc into your console wait till the night falls, be alone, turn off the lights, blast the speakers and enjoy!

Resident Evil 5

This is the seventh instalment of the survivor horror Resident Evil series from Capcom. The game follows the story of Chris Redfield who is sent to Kijuju, a fictional region in Africa. Chris is joined by Sheva Alomar to help capture the villain Ricardo Irving, who’s trying to sell a bio-organic weapon in the black market. After witnessing a Kijuju local transforming into an evolved parasitic host, both are now fighting for their lives to kill the infected.

Although I might say that the game has similarities with “Left 4 Dead”, Resident Evil has an advantage. Besides being one of the most successful games in the horror genre, it’s a game of very intense adventure, full of tight gameplay and breathtaking environment. The infected are really scary, enough to fill in your endless nights. It’s available on both PS3 and Xbox 360.

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

Known in Japan as “Zero: Akai Chō”. For me, of all the Fatal Frame series, this is the scariest. This game was released for Playstation 2 way back in 2003, the Xbox version contains a “director’s cut” which contains additional features. The game is also backward compatible with the new game console.

In here, you play as Mio Amakura, who has a twin sister named Mayu. Both get lost in the forest where they often play when they discovered a village that has been known to have mysteriously disappeared. As a player you will explore the whole village to find your way out. While there are no zombies or aliens to fight in here, Fatal Frame makes up for its dark environment that I find very creepy with four different great endings.

Silent Hill: Homecoming

The game revolves around war veteran, Alex Shepard. After getting wounded in combat as an army soldier, he was sent back to the U.S. for a lengthy stay in the hospital. He then begins to have nightmares in which his younger sibling Joshua is in peril. Released in very good shape, Alex is determined to rescue his brother from the unknown danger that stalk him, even if it means  to return to the town of Shepard's Glen that he turned his back from so long ago. Upon arrival, Alex finds out that his home has somehow been consumed by evil and the streets are filled with dark, twisted things in his absence. His mother, now nearly catatonic, watches helplessly from her rocking chair while the world falls apart. It seems as if the entire town had been gone missing, which includes Alex's brother and father. As Alex, you must uncover the shadowy secrets of your hometown's past to find your brother and save him. It’s available on both PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Everything Zombie 101

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Movie Review: The Hills Run Red

Maybe I went to the movie house expecting a bit too much having been swept up by the hype train, but beside a show-stealing performance by William Sadler, it’s hard for me to recommend “The Hills Run Red” as much more than a movie night rental with your buddies. Here’s my take on this move…

The Plot
The story revolves around Tyler, a film aficionado on the hunt to find a completed print of a missing and legendary 80's slasher film, The Hills Run Red, said to be the goriest and most brutal little horror movie ever created. Enlisting the help of his best friend and girlfriend, Tyler embarks into the backwoods in search of the holy grail of gruesome, only to discover soon that things aren't quite all that they seem. To say more would be potentially giving away what story there is and ruin a twist or two that “The Hills Run Red” works itself up within the first hour of run time.

A Slight Comparison
Many have compared THRR to a cross between Wrong Turn and Scream, but I'm more likely to argue it has more similarities with John Carpenter's Masters of Horror Episode, Cigarette Burns, than the aforementioned Wes Craven franchise. Fans of the now defunct Showtime series will instantly recognize the not too obvious similarities in the story between Cigarette Burns and THRR, as well as the over the top gore scenes which stand out as big pluses in both films. THRR considerably never goes as far in its self-awareness and fan boy masturbation as Scream, and quite honestly, this film is much better off for it, in spite of being somewhat of a love letter to the horror genre.  Apart from that, there isn't anything else done particularly well here.

On a positive note, the film's highlight is William Sadler, who absolutely steals every scene he’s in, even if he’s not given enough to do as the “lost” films’ , maniacal and reclusive director. Sadler alone makes this film worth watching, though I'd be hard pressed to recommend “The Hills Run Red” as more than a rental to be enjoyed with a handful of friends and a couple of beers. This one comes with a lot of promise like recent slashers, Laid to Rest and Hatchet, but does very little to separate itself from the rest of the crop.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Not So Classic Games: Juggernaut (PS1)

Juggernaut, a psychological horror adventure game that I consider one of the best games I played with my PS1. It suffers a bit from some very dated graphics, but its deliberately slow pace and constantly frightening atmosphere will draw in those looking for a big change of pace. I wasn’t expecting too much of this games since I heard from a few people that this game was pretty lame. But after establishing some quality time into this one, I came to the conclusion that some reviewers seem to be forgetting that the games that they play are not just for them, but for fans of that particular genre or for people looking to expand their gaming horizons! Let’s go on with the review now!

The Plot
The game begins as you arrive at your girlfriend's house after receiving a phone call from a strange man. You get there, only to find out that the man who called is a priest, and your girlfriend is possessed! You find out that an 'evil force' has entered her body and the only way to save her is to enter her soul and cleanse all the evil forces that are there!  And before you know it, the priest is sending you off on your journey (by plunging a knife into a bible?!), and you arrive on a beach, with a bloody-red sun in the sky. And that's only the first four or five minutes of the game!

The Gameplay
Juggernaut’s gameplay is purely point and click, which is a really major turn-off for those who don't like games like Riven or Myst, but the disturbing storyline is a big draw. As you make your way into the game, you will notice that the sound design is quite excellent. It has some of the strangest sounds and music that will ever come from your TV. The backgrounds, while static screens, have an unusual life to them, and the puzzles were some of the most logical I've ever played. Games like Resident Evil and the like usually have the kind of puzzles that are way too abstract in the context of their respective storylines. The puzzles in this game feel just right. After solving the first sequence of puzzles, you end up in a creepy mansion, but without your body! You find yourself only able to pass through tiny holes in the walls until you find a suitable body. Searching for a new shell then becomes the object of the game and the mission to destroy each part of the evil that is inhabiting your sweetie.

My Final Words
It's just not possible to go into more detail on the story without giving it away- except to say that there's a very long journey ahead of you, if ever you decide to take it. From solving cool puzzles and finding and creating necessary items, there are more than enough to keep any gamer with an open mind busy. The cinematics move things forward and things get weirder as the game progresses, and that was just enough to keep me playing! This isn't just the type of game where you blow away lots of stuff or shoot laser beams from your fingertips -- but as I mentioned before, if you are looking for a different type of challenge (and you still own a PS1), then Juggernaut is something I would highly recommend!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who's Laughing Now?!

What makes clowns so scary? Is it the creepy red smile? The big shoes?  The orange hair? What is it that makes a lot of people’s stomach do flips every time they see a clown on TV or at an amusement park?
Coulrophobia, the fear of clowns, is one of the top ten phobias. The term is derived from the Greek koulon, meaning limb, this refers to clowns and circus performers who walk on stilts. Coulrophobics experience symptoms ranging from mild anxiety to outright panic attacks when they see people in clown costumes or even just makeup. But why? What makes a clown, which is supposedly a symbol of fun and happiness, so scary to so many people?

Get ’Em While They’re Still Young
One popular theory about Coulrophobia is that it starts from a traumatic event during childhood. When you’re very young, even the most ordinary things can be really frightening because we don’t have a larger context in which to place them. Though you would think the circus would be a nice place for kids—with its bright colours, popcorn, cotton candy, and games—the sensory overload can be intensely upsetting to them.
That was certainly a lot of Coulrophobics experience as a child. They hated the loud sounds of the circus, but even more terrifying was the clowns’ slapstick comedy, in which they intentionally hurt each other with their pranks. Some children get unnerved so much that there are instances that they go home in tears. A clown’s ability to inflict and endure physical pain while maintaining that huge, painted smile means there’s more evil to Bozo than meets the eye.

Reality Is a Lot Scarier Than Fiction
For those of who’ve had bad experiences with clowns; the terror becomes more real than any other. After all, the fear of clowns is based on reality, rather than on fantasy. Zombies, werewolves, and vampires are horrifying in the abstract, but you don’t expect them to actually come staggering off the big screen and into our everyday lives. Clowns, on the other hand, are all too real. Way too real!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Urban Legends Around the World: Toilet Ghosts (Japan)

Hanako San is an infamous Japanese urban legend about a young girl’s ghost that’s supposed to haunt school bathrooms, scaring everyone who enters. She is said to knock on the stall, and calls her name. You might think this absurd but the thought of Hanako San really creeps me out.
Hanako, almost achieved the status of a national phenomenon in Japanese myth 20 years ago, when numerous stories of ghost-sightings swept all throughout the nation’s school buildings. Every student had a “Hanako” story to tell. Of course, there are a lot of stories but each one varied. I’m sure every schoolchild in the country, at one time or another, has been reluctant of going to the school toilet alone.

Kashima Reiko
Kashima Reiko is a female ghost without legs who also haunt in school bathrooms. You can hear her asking “where are my legs?” when people enter the toilet. You must answer her correctly unless you want your legs to be twisted from your body if you give her the wrong answer.

There are different ways to answer. Here’s an example of one version:
When she asks you where her legs are, you should answer " at Meishin Expressway". She will then ask you another question, “who told you that?”. You should reply with "Kashima Reiko told me that."  That way you’ll be saved.

Aoi Kami / Aka Kami
Another version of the Japanese toilet ghost is Aoi Manto or Aka Manto, a male ghost who waits in the last stall in the girls’ bathroom (this ghost sounds like a pervertJ). Anyone who enters the toilet hears a voice asking, “Which do you prefer, the blue paper or the red paper?” If they pick “blue,” then they’re going to get killed by hanging. If they pick “red,” he then kills them by slashing their neck or back repeatedly with a blade, to make them look like they’re wearing a red cape.

So the next time you’re in Japan (or maybe just anywhere else) and you hear someone call your name or ask you a question and you don’t know who, think twice before answering and I would even suggest that you get out of there and run as fast as you can.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Horde: Zombie Action at its Best!

“La Horde” has to be the best zombie film that I've seen in a long time. It’s an insanely “violent and gore” French film. The Plot is really action-filled, but none of the characters are likeable. Cops and criminals work together to survive in a tower block as the end of days happen and the dead return as aggressive bloodthirsty zombies. The origin of the zombies has only minor explanation but I really didn’t care much as I was focused with the fast and brutal action.

The Plot
The story begins with four bent cops out to avenge the murder of another policeman by a group of ruthless gangsters , trapped in a condemned building. The gangsters were about to execute the cops when the nightmare occurs: hordes of cannibalistic blood-thirsty creatures appear and savagely attack everyone. The survivors run up to the roof only to discover that the entire city is in chaos. The streets are filled with hordes of countless cadavers and the whole city is in flames. Despite their mutual hatred, the gangsters and the cops must join forces if they want to survive against a sudden zombie horde, all within the confines of a high-rise building. They’ll have to go down thirteen floors full of ravenous creatures but the worst threat lies elsewhere…

My thoughts on this film
The action and tension were very good from the outset I was almost wishing it wasn't about to turn to a zombie film. But when it did, I wasn't disappointed. My only criticism of the film is that it shouldn't have been openly advertised as a zombie film, leaving their appearance as a surprise. But this doesn't stop it from being one of the finest zombie or action films around.

If you like a lot of action, brutality and violence then I highly recommend you to see this. The scares were very well thought and the tension is gradually built higher and higher. The only complaint is that the ending wasn't clever despite being different. Watch it as soon as you can!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Double the Sequel, Double the Terror

Here’s an early Halloween treat for you – feature of two zombie games you might be interested playing.

Dead Rising 2

If you’re up for some zombie rampage, then this game is the right pick for you. The sequel is much better in terms of gameplay than Dead Rising. There are many missions in store for you. On your journey to completing them, you need to sweep thousands of zombies off your way. Get ready to take the role of Chuck Greene and lambaste those stinky zombies to make sure they succumb to death. In Dead Rising 2, there are several weapons that might put you to excitement; you can customize weapons in the latter part of the game and see which ones can make you a deadly berserker against zombies. Available in multiplayer mode, Dead Rising 2 is sure to make a hit. The game had reached thousands of consoles after its release two weeks ago. Capcom is such a genius for developing this sequel.

Left 4 Dead 2

If you are familiar with the Resident Evil games, then you can understand this game flawlessly. Left 4 Dead 2 is a sequel to the successful first-person shooter game developed by Valve Studios. This new sequel features four survivors from the spread of the infection, as told on the first game. They must fight their way out and accomplish their mission. How far can you go to help them?

This game shares many similarities with Resident Evil. There is a pandemic of a certain disease that mutates people to scary-looking beasts, otherwise known as zombies. It also has a resemblance to the movie I am Legend. The four survivors in the game are immune to the virus and this makes them become freely uninfected. To keep you from reading spoilers, grab a copy of the game now! :)

Left 4 Dead 2 was released in Mac on October 5, 2010.

My Scary Wash Room Experience

Way back 2005, I worked as a marketing assistant for a steel manufacturing company. The building was a bit old and I’ve heard a lot of ghost stories from my co-workers. A lady in white has been said to be haunting the 7th floor where our office was located. I really didn’t believe in ghosts so I simply ignored their stories.

It was my fifth day on the job. It was almost 5pm when I felt the need to go to the men’s room. It was big and it had 6 cubicles. I went to the sixth cubicle. I was about to close the door, when I heard a flush apparently coming from the first cubicle. It was really creepy because I didn’t notice anyone inside when I got there. Besides, if someone has entered right after me, I should have heard the door open because it was very heavy.

Anyone inside?
I was really scared but out of curiosity, I still went out to check if there was really someone with me inside the men’s room. I checked the cubicles. I was at the third cubicle when I heard the door of the first cubicle unlock. I was waiting for someone to get out. I was hoping that someone will. Seconds passed by but no one came out. I was shaking out of fear but I mustered the courage and walked slowly towards the first cubicle. I pushed the door open but no one was inside. That got me really freaked out. I wanted to run or maybe even scream but I couldn’t.

The Great Escape
My body won’t move an inch. It seemed like forever when suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I closed my eyes and prayed. Finally, I was able to move and I ran as fast as I could. I went back to the working area and acted as if nothing has happened but my officemates noticed that I was shaking and I looked really scared. I told them what happened and they informed me that I wasn’t the first to experience that inside the 7th floor men’s room. After that incident, I never went to that men’s room again. Even the guy in charge of cleaning was scared every time he went to the 7th floor. He said that he could feel someone with him even when he’s alone.

It took me another week before I decided to quit the job. No one knew the reason behind all the haunting. As for me, I actually didn’t care. All I know is, I wouldn’t want to go back there ever!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Trapped with the Devil: The "Devil" Movie Review

M. Night Shyamalan is one of my favourite thriller movie directors/screenwriters. He has built a brand name that only a few were able to do in the film industry and he did it at an effortless pace. People actually wait lined-up and have respect for his films. He has started a genre in which the “twist-at-the-end” is king. Although I’m not sure what he was thinking when he decided to go out of his game with “The Last Airbender”? What’s important though is that he’s finally back with what he is known for – his supernatural stories with a shocking twist. “Devil” intrigues us better than any other film he had since “Signs” and “The Sixth Sense”. Can M. Night pull it off again and could this movie be as great or be even better than his previous works? Read on to find out what I think.

The Plot Thickens
A worker commits suicide by jumping from a building. As policemen investigate on what has happened, five strangers step onto an elevator located in the same building. The five strangers are Ben, a temporary security guard with a violent past, Vince, a mattress salesman who’s a scam artist, Jane, an elderly woman who’s actually a thief, Sarah, a gold-digging heiress and finally Tony, who served in Afghanistan. All five have dark pasts, all have been brought together to get trapped on the elevator. As strange things begin happening, it becomes clear that the devil is one of them. The question now is, who?

M. Night: The Return
“Devil” signifies what M. Night has missed as a screenplay writer for too long now. I’m very enthusiastic that he’s finally back up from the pit. First, “Devil” has a story and setting that is simple and yet it is so effective in bringing the thrills and chills. The claustrophobic nature of the elevator exaggerates this point, and the blinking elevator lights as well. Each time the lights go off, something wrong happens and the anticipation just builds up to a greater extent. This a sample of a classic Shyamalan where the twist was not forced. Everything actually feels believable and natural and it all falls into place with little or no effort at all. The ending will surely surprise you and provide more (in our case, a moral lesson to boot). None of his films could probably surpass the brilliance of Sixth Sense but nonetheless, we love this movie. “Devil” is the first film in a trilogy dubbed as “The Night Chronicles”. Given how this film has performed, I can’t wait to see the other two films already.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Game Review: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty

It’s been twelve long years in the making, and finally, the sequel of my most favourite game, Starcraft 2, has been released. This was my addiction during my younger years. I’d spend my free time playing with friends and playing even more when I got home. I’m pretty good with Zerg. For those who are not familiar with the game, the Zerg is a race of insectoids that are on a mission of assimilating other races in pursuit of genetic perfection. It’s a pretty scary game when you’re on the receiving end of a massive Zerg attack.

I’ve only been playing Starcraft 2 a couple of hours now, and I really love it. This is only the first chapter in the saga of Starcraft 2 and I can’t wait for the next chapters to be released. But for now I’d like to share my first few impressions with this game. So keep on reading for my foremost review of Starcraft 2 so far.

My initial take on this legendary game
I played the first five missions in the campaign and I like what I see. The first couple of missions were your typical ‘learn how to use the interface’ missions, involving marines and the familiar Terran hero, Jim Raynor. The graphics are solid. Good thing my desktop handled it pretty well as the game ran well with no slowdowns. But I’m still thinking of buying a new video card so I can enjoy the experience better.

The difficulty level goes from Easy, Normal, Hard and Insane. Normal was really easy and Hard was way too hard, so I found myself stuck at the fifth mission. I’m most likely going to have to re-do that mission starting on Normal since I just can’t beat the last part of the mission. The interface is much too different with the original game. Between missions, you can talk to people, interact with your immediate environment, inspect objects and more. You can also select different missions so that the story wouldn’t progress linearly.

I only wish I have more time to play but I have a lot of work to do. So for Starcraft fans that haven’t played yet the sequel to the most awesome game ever, do yourselves a favour and grab a copy now of Starcraft 2 and you will realize that our long wait was all worth it.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Sister’s Bloody Mary Experience

My sister shared with me her first-hand “real” Bloody Mary experience. It happened during her college days together with her best friend. I’m not sure if the story is true but it definitely gave me the chills. Of course, It’s up to you if you’re going to believe it or not. Here it goes… 

As a young girl, my sister would attend many sleep-over parties. As many young girls did, they would always tell horror stories and play the game "Bloody Mary". For people who are not familiar with the game, you go in front of a mirror, turn the lights off, and repeat "Bloody Mary" several times. Supposedly, you should see the image of Bloody Mary in the mirror and if you do not either turn the lights on fast or run out she will stick her hands out of the mirror and scratch you! Well, of course this never worked... until one day.

She was already in college that time and went home for Christmas break to visit her best friend since first grade. She ended up staying the night at her house. They were just remembering all the good times they had as kids and all the silly things they used to do. During this discussion they got on the topic of how they used to play Bloody Mary and how stupid it was since it never worked. They decided to play the game again just for old time sake.

The Ghastly Figure
They went into the bathroom, shut the door close, and turned the lights off. Her bathroom had no windows and it was witch black in the room. It was so dark that they could not even see their hands in front of their faces. They held hands and began repeating "Bloody Mary". Then something suddenly appeared in the mirror. It wasn’t a face of Bloody Mary at all. What appeared was a green triangle. The triangle started out small and grew larger. They stopped repeating the line and watched the triangle grow larger, not sure what to think. They didn’t expect to see anything at all, especially not a triangle. If anything they thought they would have seen Bloody Mary herself. She wasn’t sure if she was very scared during that time, more like extremely confused and intrigued as to why they were seeing a triangle. They just stared into the mirror in awe for about 20 seconds. All of the sudden, she felt something grab her arm and she screamed. Her friend started screaming too and quickly turned on the light, opened the door, and pulled her out of the bathroom. 

They ran into the bedroom and just stared at each other. My sister asked her friend if she saw anything. She too saw the green triangle that continued to get bigger. She also felt that someone grabbed her arm which freaked the hell out of her and made her pull my sister out of the bathroom. They closed the bathroom door and did not go even near it for the rest of the night. Till this day, my sister’s friend doesn’t dare to use that bathroom if she doesn’t have to. That bathroom has now always been colder than the rest of the house, which it never was in the past. Nothing else happened, but they definitely think that this was a very strange experience. They’re not sure if there is a connection at all between Bloody Mary and the triangle, but that is what happened. Although this story may be a little strange, my sister says that this is all very true. 

3 Movies That Made Me Leave the Lights On at Night

Terrifying movies are the ones that challenge your guts and force you to scream even when you have tightly held your lips not to scream. Ever thought what the most horrendous thing would happen to you? Yes? Then my list of movies is definitely for you. Even if you don't spend your time whipping up macabre thoughts like I do, perhaps these movies could simply be a vehicle of entertainment for you. In either case, I've put together 3 terrifying films for you to watch at your leisure. From zombies, ghosts to ghouls, there are thousands more out there just waiting to be explored.

The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist is definitely one of the scariest movies of all time, but if you have a strong stomach and heart, you might not find it to be as horrifying as die-hard fans make it out to be. The exorcism in this film is for little Regan. At first, she complains of her bed shaking at night and eventually she turns into a terrifying little thing with little regard for things like priests and crucifixes. The conclusion? Don't play with Ouija Boards. Also, she has bad party manners. LOL! Kidding aside, The Exorcist is petrifying in a way that only old school films are, quietly giving you goose bumps and a sense of disquiet.

The Blair Witch Project (1999)

I think It’s safe to say that everybody knows about The Blair Witch Project (TBWP), and many of its fanatics call it "scarier than The Exorcist". The movie is very basic. It was shot using a handheld camera, mostly by the three characters in the film and has a pace that picks up feverishly and climaxes to an eerie ending. TBWP has its share of terrifying moments as three people camping out in the deep woods, day and night, would come up with pockets of horror. The fact that the film was being acclaimed as a true story also added to its grisly charm. 

Gin Gwai (The Eye) (2002)

Gin Gwai is so chilling you might just have sleepless nights after watching it. The story revolves around Wong Kar Mun, who was blind since she was two and eventually gets a cornea transplant. Mun soon apprehends that she can see more than just what is around her in the perceptible world; she can also see ghost, which follow her to calligraphy classes, tea shops and even the elevator. Imagine being in an elevator with a decaying ghost! Hollywood has made an adaptation of Gin Gwai starring Jessica Alba but unfortunately, it isn't even half as terrifying as the original.